Exemptions to the bicycle helmet law in Australia
Northern Territory
Adults are exempts on bicycle paths, footpaths and off roads.
The law is rarely enforced.
New South Wales
Paying passengers on pedicabs are exempt.
The law is rarely enforced.
If you do get a fine, you can challenge it in court. Several people have done it.
Western Australia
You can get an exemption for medical reasons.
People who cannot wear a helmet for religious reasons are exempt.
The law is rarely enforced.
Australia Capital Territory
The law states that cyclist should not cycle without a helmet “without a reasonable excuse”.
The law is rarely enforced.
Paying passengers on pedicabs are exempt.
People who cannot wear a helmet for religious reasons are exempt.
A medical exemption is available.
Enforcement varies across towns.
South Australia
Members of the Sikh religion are exempt.
Enforcement varies across towns.
Paying passengers on pedicabs are exempt.
You can get an exemption for medical or religious reasons.
Enforcement varies across towns.